Oman Attestation- The procedure

Oman is one of the prosperous Gulf country in the world. Oman is one of the prosperous Gulf country in the world. Attestation procedure for Oman is fully handled by the leadership of Oman embassy and they help immigrants to migrate into Oman without legal barriers. Oman is a member country of the Hague convention Treaty, so the country uses Apostille attestation for certificate attestation. Oman embassy uses this certificate attestation for finding the trustworthy of outside certificates. Oman attestation is a tool to control and restrict the use of unauthorized certificates in the Oman legal system. As per the rules of Oman embassy, some legal processes are mandatory for getting a certification from the embassy. The processes required for attaining educational certificates Apostille · HRD attestation (Human Resource Development) · Sub Divisional Magistrate · ...